Printer Friendly Version WREATHS LAID AT FRENCH MILITARY CEMETERY @ 13 November 2013 03:20 AM

BELGRADE, Nov. 11 (Tanjug) - French Ambassador to Serbia Francois-Xavier-Deniau said at a commemoration at the French Military Cemetery in Belgrade on Monday that Serbia and France became borthers in arms in World War One and established an extraordinary trust between each other. He pointed out the close relations the two countries had back then and added that their military cooperation did not belong only to the past, but to present as well. French forces will support the first deployment of a Serbian team for ship protection in Jibuti in a few weeks as part of the efforts against pirates, Deniau stated. One hundred years after their first joint operation, the French and Serbian troops are about to write another chapter of the two countries' military cooperation, this time together with the EU, he noted. The commemoration at the French Military Cemetery marking Armistice Day honoured the 375 French soldiers buried there and all those who laid their lives at the Thessaloniki Front, 50,000 French, almost 300,000 Serbian and the troops of all other allies. Serbia's State Secretary for Defence Zoran Djordjevic, Belgrade city officials and ambassadors of a number of nations, including the US and Germany, and an official of the Austrian embassy were also at the commemoration. Deniau presented former military attache to Paris Colonel Vojislav Krstovic with a medal of merit. The choir of the French School in Belgrade performed the anthems of the two countries and a song from World War One.