Printer Friendly Version WREATHS AT COMMONWEALTH CEMETERY IN BELGRADE @ 13 November 2013 03:20 AM

BELGRADE, Nov. 11 (Tanjug) - Officials of the Serbian government, a number of embassies in Belgrade and veteran societies laid wreaths at the Commonwealth Cemetery in Belgrade on Monday marking World War One Armistice Day. British embassy Charge d'Affaires David McFarlane said at the comemoration that 100 years ago, dark clouds gathered over the world powers and led to not one, but two world wars in one century. The Balkans was at the dividing line at the time, and its population, already decimated by the Balkan wars, was among the first to suffer from World War One, he remarked. Serbia suffered great losses before some countries even entered the conflict, he said. McFarlane paid respects to all who laid their lives down in World War One. An official of the Serbian Defence Ministry, Union of Associations of Veterans of the National Liberation Wars and embassies of the US, Germany and France also laid wreaths at the Commonwealth Cemetery.